This geosite belongs to the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (abbreviated CAMP), which is attributed to the first phase of rift formation which originated the opening of a branch of the Tethys Sea, on the current southern front, and which now corresponds to the Atlantic Ocean.
It corresponds to a volcano-sedimentary complex, i.e. volcanic sequences interspersed with contemporary sediments and with discontinuous levels of dolomites, which originated in the magmatism of the CAMP and which is thought to have occurred at the beginning of the Jurassic period, about 198 million years ago.
The materials of magmatic origin are represented by an alternation of pyroclasts, volcanic tuffs, volcanic breccias, basalt flows and dolerite intrusions. This volcano-sedimentary complex rests on the Silves Pelites, limestones and evaporites unit, through an irregular contact surface.
The Torre geosite, along the road that connects Gregórios to Corte, corresponds to an outcrop that well portrays the materials and processes associated with the origin of the volcano-sedimentary complex. However, there are other places where good outcrops of this complex can be observed (e.g. Rocha da Pena, Corsitos, Querença, Almarjão).